I am a retired electrical contractor and my hope is to give everyone a better understanding of electricity and the electrical trade.
The objective of this free service is to make the material on this web site basic enough so that everyone can understand. If your looking for actual wiring information than your in the wrong place. For your own safety and the safety of others you would be much better off having a local licensed electrician come in and do your wiring. True there is cost involved, but what price can you put on your home and the people in it.
Some F.A.Q.
Click Here. If you would like to see all the answers to the above questions on one page.
When buying a home check electrical. Buying a home with inadequate wiring can end up costing the buyer thousands of dollars. If you hire a quality home inspector you should be all right, but here are a few suggestions that might help. You can also have an input, If you have some advice on what to look for when buying a home.
Safety Tips. For some tips on what to look for to prevent safety hazards, check out this web page.
Link to this Site. Add this site to your Web Site.
Electrician Finder. If You're Looking for an Electrician or Electrical Contractor you came to the right place! Over 60,000 to choose from! Search by Area Code, Zip (Postal) Code or Name.
Search This Site. If you cant find what your looking for, try this search box.
There are some great home improvement links on this page but this web site does not support any actual electrical wiring information given on these sites.
Electric-Find.com...Gateway to the Electrical Industry.
ePanorama.net...This is one of the best electronics and electrical information Web Sites on the Internet.
How Stuff Works...Have you ever wondered how that DVR works, or how that solar panel works. This is the place to find out how everything works.
Als Home Improvement Center...Your online source for home improvement-How To do it yourself Remodel, Re-decorating,and Repair.
Electricians Networks...Find a licensed electrician for your electrical project. All of the contractors provide free estimates.
This page was not intended to encourage electrical work to be performed by unauthorized persons. The only intent is to give advice on what should be done by qualified persons only.
MaRoSteph. The word MaRoSteph was taken from the first names of my three children.